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Leeds Mentoring Programs Take the Gold: the Highest Accreditation from the International Mentoring Association

mentoring program participants

Leeds mentoring programs recently received the highest level of accreditation—Gold Level—from the International Mentoring Association accreditation. All three of these programs, Peer2Peer, Young Alumni, and Professional Mentorship Programs, are now internationally recognized as model programs and leaders in mentorship among higher education institutions.

“This has been a long accreditation process, and I’m thrilled that all of our programs were awarded recognition at the highest level, said Sally Forester, associate director of Leeds mentoring programs.

To achieve Gold Level accreditation, a program must be well implemented, sustainable, and achieve their given objectives while simultaneously aligning with the goals and standards of the IMA.

When describing the programs, the International Mentoring Association said, “The objectives are well implemented, and each program design aligns smoothly with the International Mentor Program Standards as indicated in the written application. Furthermore, evidence suggests a clear process for matching mentoring relationships and evaluating mentee growth in the three Leeds School of Business mentoring programs.”

With over 1,500 undergraduate participants and 1,050 professional mentors, these programs provide mentoring opportunities for undergraduates across their four years and at all stages they find themselves in their college and career journeys. These programs also give students the opportunity to create relationships that last long after graduation.

Forester has been building the mentorship programs at Leeds since joining the team in 2008. “Initially, with the creation of the peer mentor program, and subsequently the Young Alumni Mentors program, I set out to create programs that would enhance a culture of giving back and volunteerism at Leeds, and it’s been so rewarding to watch that culture emerge at the college.  I feel like the tone at Leeds is now one of lifting each other up and helping our colleagues become the best ‘whatever it is they want to be.’”

Congratulations to Sally and all those who have contributed to making these programs award-winning!