picture of interviewees

Bridging the Gap Between the Classroom and the Sustainability World: MBA Student Consulting Project

Dec. 6, 2023

MBA students Mary Boling and Dan Thompson recently had the opportunity to travel to Reno, Nevada, as a part of their consulting project with Arrow Electronics. The project is a part of Joshua Nunziato’s Socially Responsible Enterprise MBA class, where students complete a semester-long sustainability and ESG consulting project for...

CU energy case comp team

Energetic Edge: Leeds MBA Team Earns Second Place Award in Prestigious Duke Clean Energy Case Competition

Nov. 28, 2023

It was important to create a solution that would benefit people, not just make a profit. So, when four Leeds School of Business MBA students began creating a model for a prestigious case competition, they started with the true need: how to work collaboratively with farmers and community members to...

Tony Kong

Tony Kong on Social Sustainability and Transcendence

Nov. 15, 2023

We’re proud to share that we have more than 50 Leeds faculty members from across all seven academic divisions who are CESR Faculty Affiliates , joining us as we re-launch this program. We invited these faculty members to join because their research and/or teaching relates to sustainability and ESG. We...

Image of Rachel Bigby and Lauren Roadman, the interviewees.

Building Community and Strategizing for the Future: The Stories of Rachel Bigby and Lauren Roadman

Nov. 6, 2023

Rachel Bigby and Lauren Roadman are alumnae of CESR's Certificate in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Strategy course . They recently sat down with CESR to discuss their careers, their hopes and insights for the ESG landscape, and their vision for the Certificate in ESG Strategy alumni group. CESR: What...


Mastering Conference Networking: Building Lasting Professional Relationships

Oct. 20, 2023

As many students may know, job application season is in high effect. Participating in CESR’s events is already a great differentiator for starting your sustainable career search , but learning how to network effectively is also key. CESR spoke with several experts on conference networking in order to share advice...


Navigating the Path to ESG and Sustainability: Insights from Tonie Hansen

Oct. 5, 2023

Tonie Hansen is an ESG leader and started building the ESG department at NVIDIA in 2006. She built their corporate responsibility functions from the ground up and worked on their strategic relationships and brand reputation. She originally went to NVIDIA to build its charitable foundation, and also spent 15 years...

Image of Mike Hilgendorf, the interviewee

Propelling the Energy Transition Forward: Career Advice From an MBA Alum

Sept. 25, 2023

Mike Hilgendorf ( MBA ‘20 ) is a Leeds Alum currently working at FTI Consulting as a Director in the Power, Renewables and Energy Transition group. During his time at Leeds, he became the president of Leeds Social Impact Consultants and the Net Impact Case Competition . Mike has played...


Cultivating a Sustainable Future: The Investability of Regenerative Agriculture Technology

Sept. 11, 2023

Rita Herzog (MBA/MENV'24) earned a competitive spot in the inaugural cohort of the ClimateCAP Fellowship . That program involved completing a research project, the output of which is below. Abstract In a world grappling with environmental challenges and food security concerns, the spotlight has shifted to a revolutionary approach to...

business meeting

Tips to Start Your Sustainable Business Career Search

Aug. 27, 2023

Starting your career search can feel overwhelming, especially if you are planning on pursuing a career in sustainability. Having reliable resources can help you find confidence as you search for the best opportunity for you as a future business professional. These steps can be essential in helping you get started...

Sonia Khan, CSR Manager at Checkr

ESG training supports alum’s new social impact career

Aug. 14, 2023

"The impact I hope to make is to make life easier for people who are overlooked," says Sonia Khan, an alum of the Certificate in ESG Strategy executive program. Khan gained confidence to take on her new role as a CSR manager through learning core concepts and collaborating with peers...
