picture of chiller loop

Chiller Loop

March 16, 2022

The Thermo Haake Phoenix II P2-C50P recirculating liquid chiller system uses propylene-glycol to provide up to 500W heat rejection at temperatures as low as -50 C for convective heat transfer research. Previous applications using an earlier Thermo Haake Phoenix II P2-CT90L unit (1kW, -90 C) involved evaluation of a freezable...

person laying supine on HERD

Human Eccentric Rotator Device (HERD)

March 16, 2022

The Human Eccentric Rotator Device (HERD) is an Earth-vertical rotator device to measure human physiological and cognitive responses. The device can be configured with the human seated upright or laying supine. The radius is up to approximately 8 feet with a spin rate of up to 60 rotations per minute...



March 16, 2022

Algal photobioreactors are multifunctional systems that can be used to enable biologically-based atmospheric revitalization, waste management, and food production. The current focus of the algal research involves two studies - one investigating the effects of altered cabin pressure on culture behavior, with partial funding provided by the William F. Marlar...

ionic liquid setup

Ionic Liquid Applications

March 16, 2022

Electrochemical CO2 reduction in solution with Ionic Liquids enables unique approaches for providing oxygen and methane from in situ resources to meet crew metabolic needs and for rocket propellant production. The experimental setup is capable of linear sweep and cyclic voltammetry (LSV and CV), constant potential/current electrolysis, and gaseous product...

image of inside ARES

Aerospace Research Simulation (AReS)

March 16, 2022

The ARES cockpit mockup, developed by students as part of the Graduate Project curriculum over a 5 year period under the mentorship of Col. Jim Voss, has evolved into a testbed that can be oriented in a vertical or horizontal configuration for assessing ascent or entry modes of flight, respectively...



March 16, 2022

The RALPHEE thermal vacuum (TVAC) chamber can test devices and systems up to 1m x 1m in size at temperatures ranging from -180°C using LN2 up to ambient. RALPHEE can achieve vacuum levels below 10-5 torr to simulate the space environment or be operated at partial pressures up to 1...



March 16, 2022

AETHER is an atmosphere revitalization testbed built and utilized by graduate students. It can provide controlled combinations of mixed nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, humidity along with other select gasses intended to simulate a spacecraft cabin atmosphere for evaluation of candidate life support system components. Development of AETHER was sponsored by...
