ReClaym our Compost

Reclaym our Compost Banner

For this project we use composted food waste to create ReClaym: a fully circular biomaterial that reflects the makers' relationship with food. We correspondingly propose Intimate Making as an approach for working with ReClaym that leverages familiar, hands-on techniques to enhance maker-material communication, which in turn leads to a deeper material understanding. Through Intimate Making we create a collection of personalized biodegradable applications made from ReClaym that include garden paraphernalia, games, and items found in the home.

Living Matter Lab

Associated Researchers


Fiona Bell, Netta Ofer, and Mirela Alistar. 2022. "". In: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22). (New Orleans, LA, USA, April 29-May 5, 2022). [Best Paper Honorable Mention].

Fiona Bell, Netta Ofer, Hyelin Choi, Ella McQuaid, Ethan Frier, and Mirela Alistar. 2022. "". In: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22). (New Orleans, LA, USA, April 29-May 5, 2022).