Faculty Travel Resources

ATLAS encourages Faculty to advance their own academic, professional and career development through the publication and presentation of papers and attendance at conferences, seminars, symposia and workshops. Funds are available through ATLAS and are intended to offset the travel costs associated with the presentation of papers, posters, research products or creative work. All ATLAS Faculty are eligible (adjuncts, instructors, tenure-track and tenured faculty).

Please note that in order to be eligible for ATLAS travel funding, the ATLAS Institute must be acknowledged as your affiliation on any publication or presentation.

Application Process

  1. Discuss your travel interests and plans with your supervisor. Their knowledge and support of your travel plans are required.
  2. Explore other funding sources.
  3. Send the CTD Director a preliminary budget request.
  4. Keep all receipts during travel and write on the receipt of the precise reason for the expenditure. When you return from the conference, submit all original receipts to Sara Preston for reimbursement.
