Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Amanita species can be described as edible, inedible, poisonous, deadly poisonous, and psychoactive.
- CU Boulder and University of Nevada Reno professors win $2.7 million grant from the NSF to study spatial cognition in chickadees.
- Monarch butterflies gained access to milkweeds after they evolved the metabolic trick of absorbing the cardiac glycosides by sequestering them in fat bodies.
- The Side by Side project teaches high school students about local birds’ ecosystems through performative arts and scientific observation.
- Mountain cicadas, Okanagana bella, are also found locally, and it is the only cicada common in the mountains.
- A mating wheel allows a precise comparison of the colors and patterns of males and femalesThe little marsh swarmed with insects. Tiny moths popped up from the grass, darted a short distance and then disappeared back into the grass. Small wood nymph
- Mountains both help create new species and subspecies of the rosy finch and keep them distinct, according to new research from CU Boulder
- New research from CU Boulder sheds light on the cognitive functions of male ‘green parakeets’ or budgerigars
- Warming temperatures are causing plants across alpine and arctic environments to stay green longer and reproduce earlier, scientists find.
- The Linnean Society of London recognizes CU Boulder researcher for excellent research in the natural sciences.