big shroom

On the trail of big, ugly mushrooms

Feb. 7, 2023

Aspen boletes build physical connections for mutualistic exchanges with quaking aspen.

A red female squirrel

Squirrels roll the dice on their offspring

Jan. 25, 2023

A collaborative study with a CU Boulder professor investigates how the risks and rewards of red squirrel reproduction is a microcosm of evolutionary patterns.

Mike Gil scuba diving through kelp bed.

Marine biologist probes importance of diversity

Jan. 20, 2023

Let’s CU Well presentation on Jan. 30 by CU Boulder professor to highlight diversity’s importance in many settings.

Wood Nymph on a leaf.

Common wood nymphs have sensory surprises

Jan. 17, 2023

The common wood nymph tastes with its feet and hears with its wings.

A beautiful male swallowtail butterfly.

The Darwin Award goes to a male black swallowtail butterfly

Jan. 5, 2023

The beautiful male emerged in October, eager to mate but destined for disappointment because he emerged too late in the season, just an example of natural selection at work I received an invitation to photograph a black swallowtail butterfly that had just emerged. It would linger only a short while...


Mysterious lumps and swollen bands on aspen

Dec. 9, 2022

One puzzle leads to another question, as yet unanswered, about the cause.

Aerial photo of campus

Research & Innovation Office names newest Faculty Fellow cohort

Dec. 9, 2022

The Research and Innovation Office has announced the 2023 RIO Faculty Fellows cohort, which includes 17 faculty members from departments and research institutes spanning the campus.


Beavers have become established in Boulder Canyon

Nov. 23, 2022

Beavers may appear to be one of the most sedentary of species, living in a secure den or lodge in a pond with all of their food within a short waddle, but now, in Boulder Canyon and in Alaska, it is evident that they are on the move.

Looking down at a forest that has a cut out in the shape of the continents

Cross-campus open house will feature interdisciplinary climate change research, kick off U.N. Summit events

Nov. 10, 2022

The College of Engineering and Applied Science, the College of Arts and Sciences and the Leeds School of Business are teaming up to highlight CU Boulder-led research to address climate change from 3-5 p.m. on Nov. 30 in the Olson Atrium of the Rustandy Building.

gil nsf

Spying on fish to discover the ‘Rules of Life’

Oct. 25, 2022

A $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation will allow CU Boulder researchers to better understand how complex species interactions affect natural ecosystems.
