
Mating ball of garter snakes caught on campus

May 9, 2019

Males employ an anoxic kiss to reduce female struggle and increase compliance The dam that forms Varsity Lake on the University of Colorado campus is solid, but nevertheless riddled with crevices that provide safe havens for western terrestrial garter snakes, Thamnophis elegans. Eager to witness the various fulminations of spring,...

women protesting

Grads’ 500 Women Scientists group fights for science, justice

April 25, 2019

Says one founder: "European men had very different notions of who should be doing science and what science is. It is a human institution not built with equity in mind.â€


Five college standouts named employees of the year

April 16, 2019

Five outstanding colleagues have been named employees of the year by the College of Arts and Sciences at the Â鶹ÊÓƵ.

sego lily

Western sego lilies reach mountain meadows to hot deserts

April 16, 2019

Colorful cup-shaped flowers likely to bloom in force after wet winter.

graduate student

Chickadee Study examines hybridization of chickadees

April 5, 2019

The Boulder Chickadee Study is a collaborative, long term effort between Kathryn Grabenstein, a PhD candidate in ecology and evolutionary biology at the Â鶹ÊÓƵ, and her thesis advisor, Scott Taylor, to examine hybridization.


Metallic wood boring beetles utilize aspen, cottonwoods and willows

March 21, 2019

Colorado is home to 92 species of metallic wood boring beetles that share the wood boring habit and glittering iridescence.


Ballhead waterleaf flowers get help from unexpected guests

March 19, 2019

I looked around to see what was in bloom and found a native wildflower with the strange name of ballhead waterleaf, Hydrophyllum capitatum.


A plant incapable of photosynthesis but good at forming bridges

March 14, 2019

Pinedrops parasitizes the mycorrhizal fungus directly, stealing water, minerals, carbohydrates and nutrients, but supplying nothing in return. In effect, it parasitizes a mutualism after germinating in the grasp of a fungus.

Bee plant

Bee plants left their mark on Ancient Puebloan pottery

Jan. 25, 2019

As beautiful as they are, Rocky Mountain bee plants are known to be malodorous, inspiring other common names, including skunk weed and stink weed.


Brilliant coloration in American rubyspots signals male quality

Jan. 11, 2019

The rubyspot's mating system is classified as territorial defense polygyny, in which males defend a site to attract mates.
