Chris Hammons headshot

Chris Hammons Receives aKayden Research Award& a Center for Humanities & the Arts Small Grant

Feb. 25, 2024

Professor Chris Hammons has received not one, but two awards for his work: (1) a Kayden Research Award for American Refuge , a documentary feature about trauma and time in the upland forests of the American West. The award covers the costs to finish film, which will premiere this year...

Lakota Elders

Will Taylor and Lakota Elders Receive AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize

Feb. 19, 2024

Professor Will Taylor and Lakota elders receive the AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize for their research article, "Early Dispersal of Domestic Horses into the Great Plains and Northern Rockies." The prize is awarded to the author or authors of an outstanding paper published in the Research Articles or Reports sections of...

 JAR Spring 2024 Cover

Warren Thompson Publishes Article in the Journal of Anthropological Research

Feb. 15, 2024

Professor Warren Thompson publishes, “Being Seen is Believing: Evidence and Authority in the Ache Mission Encounter," in the Journal of Anthropological Research. Abstract Like many other lowland South American groups described in the literature, Ache give a higher epistemic value to visually experiencing events, a sensibility that some have argued...

Fernando writing on a white board

Fernando Villanea Gavean Online HOT (Human Origins Today) Topic for the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

Feb. 5, 2024

Professor Fernando Villanea gave an online HOT (Human Origins Today) Topic - talk, "Archaic Introgression in Modern Humans: What It Can Tell Us 鶹Ƶ Archaic Humans and 鶹Ƶ Ourselves," for the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Every person alive today inherited some portion of their genomes from Neanderthals, Denisovans, and...

Anthropology and Climate Change From Transformations to Worldmaking

Jerry Jacka Publishes Chapter in Anthropology and Climate Change

Jan. 29, 2024

Professor Jerry Jacka's chapter, “"Don't Look Down": Green Technologies, Climate Change, and Mining,” published in Anthropology and Climate Change from Transformations to Worldmaking, Routledge. Description: In this third edition of Anthropology and Climate Change , Susan Crate and Mark Nuttall offer a collection of chapters that examine how anthropologists work...


Paige Edmiston Receives Carol B. Lynch Memorial Fellowship & Publishes Article in Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics

Jan. 9, 2024

Paige Edmiston (Cultural Anthropology, PhD Candidate) receives the Carol B. Lynch Memorial Fellowship for fall 2025. The Carol B. Lynch Memorial Fellowship Fund was established to honor Dr. Lynch for her tireless dedication to graduate education and research at the national level and at the University of Colorado at Boulder...

Steve Leigh AABA Service Award.jpeg

Steve Leigh Awarded the Gabriel W. Lasker Service Award

Jan. 2, 2024

Professor Steve Leigh was awarded the Gabriel W. Lasker service award for his service as AABA president during COVID. Dr. Leigh's nomination emphasized "his unwavering generosity, and the incredible level of graciousness he brought to his leadership roles." He was serving as VP and Program Chair when the COVID pandemic...

Jack and Anna on the show

Jack Dalton Featured on German Children's Show: Anna Und Die Wilden Tiere

Jan. 2, 2024

Jack Dalton (Biological Anthropology, PhD Candidate) recently teamed up with a German film crew for a special wildlife project in South Africa. Joining forces with them, he embarked on a journey to uncover the mysteries of bush babies for the German children's show, Anna Und Die Wilden Tiere. Watch the...

Nicholas in the field

Nicholas Puente Receives CARTTS Award

Jan. 2, 2024

Nicholas Puente (Archaeology, PhD Candidate) has been awarded the CARTTS ( Center to Advance Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences ) Graduate Student Award. This honor will fund his fieldwork as part of the Punta Laguna Caves Project.

Georgia 3MT Contest Photo

Georgia Butcher in the 3MT Finals

Jan. 2, 2024

Georgia Butcher (Cultural Anthropology, PhD Candidate) has made it to the finals of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition! Georgia will showcase her groundbreaking thesis research, "Drone Pilots and the Side Effects of Remote War," in just three minutes!
