Emily Hite passes Prospectus Defense

Dec. 20, 2017

Emily Hite passed her Prospectus Defense and will enter candidacy for the PhD.

Willi Lempert lands tenure-track position at Bowdoin College

Dec. 13, 2017

William Lempert (ABD) just signed a contract to start as a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Bowdoin College this coming fall. Founded on the Maine coast in 1794, Bowdoin is one of the oldest and most selective coeducational, residential liberal arts colleges in the country. Bowdoin is located in...

Anden Drolet and Katie McGuire transition to PhD Program

Dec. 12, 2017

Anden Drolet and Katie McGuire have completed their transition to our PhD program.

Lindsay Johansson invited to speak at Grand Junction Chapter of CAS

Dec. 12, 2017

Lindsay Johansson has been invited to speak at the Grand Junction Chapter of the Colorado Archaeological Society. Someone in charge there noticed her lecture in September, “It Takes a Village: Community Life among the Fremont of the Northern Southwest” and wants to hear more in person.

Donna Goldstein, Kira Hall and Paul Shankman all featured in CU’s A&S Magazine

Dec. 6, 2017

Is America heading back to the '50s? Professors of anthropology and linguistics argue that as both candidate and president, the president has tapped into what they call “nostalgic racism”… Both sides misunderstand Margaret Mead, prof contends Both Mead’s conservative critics—some of whom went so far as to claim she “caused”...

Pascale Meehan passes Prospectus Defense

Dec. 6, 2017

Pascale Meehan passed her Prospectus Defense and will advance to candidacy for the PhD.

Julie Thomas passes qualifying exam

Dec. 6, 2017

Julie Thomas passed her qualifying exam and now has official PhD program status in Biological Anthropology.

Heather Seltzer gave successful defense of her MA thesis

Nov. 15, 2017

Heather Seltzer gave a successful defense of her thesis on Signs and Symbols: Exploring Changes in Iconography in the Contact Era Rio Grande Pueblo World for completion of her Master’s Degree. Congratulations to Heather and advisor, Cathy Cameron .

Isabella Vinsonhaler will be awarded MA in December

Nov. 15, 2017

Isabella Vinsonhaler will be awarded the Master’s Degree in December, having given a successful defense of her final exam. Congratulations to Bella and advisor, Matt Sponheimer .

Congratulations on Pre-Dissertation Awards

Nov. 9, 2017

Congratulations to Anden Drolet , Kevin Darcy , Arielle Milkman , and Jenny Washabaugh on their Pre-Dissertation Awards. Great doctoral projects in the making. Anden will be off to Bhutan, Kevin to Mexico, Arielle to Peru, and Jenny to The Gambia and Kenya.
