Dani Merriman awarded Dissertation Completion Fellowship

April 25, 2018

Dani Merriman has been awarded a Dissertation Completion Fellowship for Fall 2018. This award provides the equivalent of a 50% TA appointment.

Samantha Linford successfully defended her MA thesis

April 25, 2018

Samantha Linford successfully defended her thesis on The Origins of Moiety Organization in the Northern Rio Grande Pueblos and will complete her MA in May. Congratulations to Sam and advisor, Scott Ortman.

Will Lammons gave successful defense of his MA thesis

April 25, 2018

Will Lammons gave a successful defense of his thesis on Entanglements of Urban Art in Oaxaca, Mexico. He will earn an MA in May, along with a graduate certificate in Critical Media Practices. Hats off to Will and advisor, Kaifa Roland.

Mariana Sanders completed MA requirements

April 25, 2018

Mariana Sanders has completed the requirements for the MA in May.

Dawa Lokyitsang passed Prospectus Defense

April 25, 2018

Dawa Lokyitsang recently passed her Prospectus Defense and will enter candidacy for the PhD.

Emily Hite receives Social Science Research Council grant from the Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship Program

April 23, 2018

Emily Hite has received a Social Science Research Council grant from the Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship Program to support her research on international climate policies and indigenous livelihoods in Costa Rica. Emily is currently in Costa Rica with funding from the National Science Foundation’s Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant...

Sabrina Bradford won NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program award

April 23, 2018

Sabrina Bradford has just won a Graduate Research Fellowship Program award from the NSF. It’s quite an honor to be selected from the many thousands of applicants. You can find full details of the award here .

Page McClean has won a Fulbright award to pursue her research in Chile

April 23, 2018

Page McClean has won a Fulbright award to pursue her research in Chile. She will be spending 2019 in Chilean Patagonia researching the discourses, practices, and experiences of conectividad — the Chilean government's word for infrastructural development in the region. My research begins at the end of the Carretera Austral,...

Zach Cooper and Hannah Selvey gave a successful defense of their theses

April 23, 2018

Zach Cooper and Hannah Selvey gave a successful defense of their theses and will be awarded the MA in May. Congratulations to Zach and advisor, Scott Ortman and to Hannah and advisor, Michelle Sauther. Zach’s thesis was on The Origin of the Initial Farming Population of the Northern Rio Grande...

Kaitlyn Davis receives 2018 David Breternitz Endowment for Archaeological Field Research Award

April 5, 2018

Kaitlyn Davis , PhD student, is the recipient of the 2018 David Breternitz Endowment for Archaeological Field Research Award which goes to support graduate student fieldwork in the Southwest. The award is for $1500. The David Breternitz Endowment fund was recently established in his honor by his friends to support...
