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Prerequisites: ASEN 2002 or equivalent. Introduction: This course follows ASEN 2002 and covers the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy, Power/Energy Cycles and Heat Transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation). The emphasis will be on understanding the basic physical principles associated with these topics and developing the student's ability to solve numerical problems associated with them. Experiments will be carried out to help the student gain experience with the systems representing these principles. Course Objective: Given regular class attendance, reading of assigned text material in preparation for quizzes, careful and comprehensive completion of all assignments, students should be able to: (1) understand the general concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer in order to develop an intuitive grasp of the subject matter; (2) develop an ability to apply these basic concepts to engineering design problems. Course Structure: The textbook will be followed closely but some additional material may be introduced to broaden a particular subject. This material will be distributed to the class. Students are expected to read the assigned textbook section in time to prepare for both in class discussion and for quizzes given approximately every week. Homework assignments will be weekly or bi-weekly. Exams: There will be 3 hour-long mid-term exams and a final exam. All hour-long exams will be in-class and cover the material between it and the previous exam. All Exams are close book but you are allowed to have one single-sided 8.5x11 page crib notes for your first exam, and you are allowed to fill out the other side of the same crib sheet for your second exam, and so on. Always bring a calculator. Thermodynamic Tables will be provided to you for the exams. After the hour-long exams are graded and returned we will go over them to resolve any issues that were particularly problematical to the class. There will be no make-up for exams and quizzes. Acceptable excuses, such as medical certification of an emergency, are required to make up any exam and a Doctors note is required. (There will be no make-up opportunity for quizzes since two are dropped). GRADING Our grading scheme is designed to indicate your level of competency compared to the standards set by the AES faculty. Do you meet the minimum level of competency? Do you exceed the minimum? Are you below the minimum? This should be indicated by the final grade. We (the faculty) are professionals and it is our job to set and maintain standards. We are expected to use our education, experience, and interactions with industry, government laboratories, others in academe, etc., to determine the content of these standards. Because our program is accredited by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology), the AES curriculum meets or exceeds that boards standards. As with any other professionals (doctors, lawyers, etc.) you must trust that we know what we are doing and that we are obliged to uphold standards. The final grade indicates your readiness to continue to the next level of courses. Meeting the minimum requirements indicates that you are prepared to continue, at least at the minimum level required for the next sequence of courses. Exceeding the minimum means you are ready to enter the next course and that you have mastery of material beyond the minimum, i.e., you show some level of proficiency. Grade Breakdown According to Assignments: Your final grade is determined according to the following percentage breakdown: Reading/lecture quizzes (~10 min each; drop the lowest two) Clicker quizzes Three Mid-term Exams (8% each) Experimental Labs (2 reports, 9% each)* Design Labs (1 power point presentation)* Peer Evaluation (will be calibrated/normalized)* Homework* Final (1:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. on December 18) 5% 5% 24% 18% 8% 5% 15% 20% 100%*Group effort only counts toward final grade if total individual grade is C or better Any grade question/dispute must be resolved within two weeks after the grade is posted. This will avoid undue complications at the end of the semester when final grades are being determined. Important Notes 1. We reserve the right to reply to email questions only in business hours, i.e. Monday through Friday, 8:00 am 5:00 pm. Emails received 24 hours or less before the exams are not guaranteed a response. We also reserve the right to reply all (to the entire class) if the questions/answers are deemed to benefit others in the class (the identities of the questioners are not to be revealed). To better help us manage and track your emails, from the junk and clutter that we receive on a daily basis, please include ASEN3113 at the beginning of the subject line. 2. Teamwork and lab performance will be obtained from peer evaluation and from the faculty and TA observation of the students participation in classes and lab. 3. The scheduled laboratory hours will be used for both experimental and design lab projects. These lab hours should be used for course work even when no formal supervision is present. 4. Attendance to all lectures and laboratory workshops is expected. 5. Always have a calculator for both lecture/laboratory sessions. Access to the current online textbook may prove useful but should not be done if it leads you or your neighbors distraction. 6. Expect new material to be presented in both the "lectures" and the "laboratory" hours. 7. Why have reading assignments, homework, lab exercises, design project, and various quizzes? Reading assignments are to be completed before the lecture/discussion. The lecture/discussions should help to clarify and supplement what you have read. Homework assignments will cover both material from lectures and material assigned but not covered in lectures. Homework enforces the mental processes that help you to become proficient in a subject. In addition, homework may encourage you to learn other material not included in lectures or laboratories. Experimental laboratory exercises are either more complex than hands-on homework or require special equipment. You will work in teams and are required to submit a team laboratory report and one page or less your individual discussion about the lab. Design project helps you to learn how to synthesis the basic concepts, methods, and tools presented in the course curriculum. The team-oriented approach will give you experience in working and cooperating in groups. Reading quizzes at the beginning of class provide a gauge to determine what you have learned independently from the assigned reading. Lecture quizzes, at the end of class, cover the previous days and/or the same days lecture. Clicker quizzes, another way to measure what you have learned, increase your retention what was taught, and facilitate discussion and peering teaching. Always bring a calculator (and your text book) to the classroom. 8. Safety is the number one priority for laboratory exercises. You are expected to attend an ITLL orientation to get door and computer access that address ITLL safety protocols. You were also required to submit safety summary review as the first assignment in ASEN 2001 sophomore year. Please refer back to those resources and ask your lab staff if you require review or clarification. Anyone violating rules of safe conduct may receive a zero for the laboratory exercise and may be restricted from ITLL. Use of ITLL facilities is a privilege, not a right. Those endangering themselves, others, or laboratory equipment by their unsafe conduct will not maintain their access privileges. 9. All homework must be on 8.5x11-inch clean paper. 10. Always submit work in a professional form. Neatness, clarity, and completeness count. 11. Late assignments will not be accepted. However, if you will not be attending class you may turn-in your homework early, and include an explanation. If you know in advance that you must miss a homework due date or lab, send the relevant Instructors/TAs/CAs e-mail to make arrangements. We expect students to be professional by attending class and submitting assignments on time. 12. Collaboration is permitted on homework. This means you may discuss the means and methods for solving problems even compare answers, but you are not free to copy someone's assignment. The work that you turn in must be your own--copying is not allowed for any assignments. Collaboration on quizzes and exams, or using another student's work or allowing another student to use your work is academic misconduct. 13. This class is not graded on a curve; there are absolute expectations of performance. However, we reserve the right to normalize the class grades based on the highest performance in the class. The normalization process will not lower a persons grade. In order to continue on ASEN core courses, a minimum grade of C is required. Other Important Notes 1) We are committed to providing everyone the support and services needed to participate in this course. If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability, please submit to your professor a letter from Disability Services in a timely manner (for exam accommodations provide your letter at least one week prior to the exam) so that your needs can be addressed. Disability Services determines accommodations based on documented disabilities. Contact Disability Services at 303-492-8671 or by e-mail at dsinfo@colorado.edu. If you have a temporary medical condition or injury, see Temporary Medical Conditions: Injuries, Surgeries, and Illnesses guidelines under Quick Links at Disability Services website and discuss your needs with me. 2)  HYPERLINK "http://www.colorado.edu/policies/fac_relig.html" Campus policy regarding religious observances requires that faculty make every effort to deal reasonably and fairly with all students who, because of religious obligations, have conflicts with scheduled exams, assignments or required assignments/attendance. If this applies to you, please speak with me directly as soon as possible at the beginning of the term. 3) Students and faculty each have responsibility for maintaining an appropriate learning environment. Those who fail to adhere to such behavioral standards may be subject to discipline. Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race, color, culture, religion, creed, politics, veterans status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and gender expression, age, ability, and nationality. Class rosters are provided to the instructor with the student's legal name. I will gladly honor your request to address you by an alternate name or gender pronoun. Please advise me of this preference early in the semester so that that I may make appropriate changes to my records. For more information, see the policies on  HYPERLINK "http://www.colorado.edu/policies/student-classroom-and-course-related-behavior" class behavior and  HYPERLINK "http://www.colorado.edu/studentaffairs/judicialaffairs/code.html" \l "student_code" the student code. 4) The 鶹Ƶ (CU-Boulder) is committed to maintaining a positive learning, working, and living environment. CU-Boulder will not tolerate acts of discrimination or harassment based upon Protected Classes or related retaliation against or by any employee or student. For purposes of this CU-Boulder policy, "Protected Classes" refers to race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation or political philosophy. Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against should contact the Office of Discrimination and Harassment (ODH) at 303-492-2127 or the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) at 303-492-5550. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.colorado.edu/policies/discrimination-and-harassment-policy-and-procedures" full policy on discrimination and harassment has more information. 5) All students of the University of Colorado at Boulder are responsible for knowing and adhering to  HYPERLINK "http://www.colorado.edu/policies/student-honor-code-policy" the academic integrity policy of this institution. Violations of this policy may include: cheating, plagiarism, aid of academic dishonesty, fabrication, lying, bribery, and threatening behavior. All incidents of academic misconduct shall be reported to the Honor Code Council ( HYPERLINK "mailto:honor@colorado.edu" honor@colorado.edu; 303-735-2273). Students who are found to be in violation of the academic integrity policy will be subject to both academic sanctions from the faculty member and non-academic sanctions (including but not limited to university probation, suspension, or expulsion). The  HYPERLINK "http://honorcode.colorado.edu/" Honor Code Office has more information.     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