CU Boulder from the air.

Seminar - Dust in the (Solar) Wind: Investigations of Orbital Debris and Asteroid Evolution - Feb. 19

Feb. 13, 2024

Christine Hartzell Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland Monday, Feb. 19 | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 114 Abstract: The interaction of charged particles with the local plasma environment is of interest in a variety of space applications. This talk will focus on two specific applications: 1. the design of...

CU Boulder from the air.

Seminar - Â鶹ÊÓƵy of Faint Space Objects: An Efficient and Versatile Methodology - Feb. 21

Feb. 12, 2024

Tam Nguyen Technical Staff, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Wednesday, Feb. 21 | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 111 Abstract: Detection of faint space objects with limited a priori state knowledge can enable advanced capabilities across multiple domains, including space situational awareness, planetary defense, and planetary science. To detect objects fainter than the...

CU Boulder from the air.

Seminar - Autonomy, AI, and Space Systems: An AFRL Perspective - Feb. 23

Feb. 12, 2024

Scott Erwin Chief Scientist, Space Vehicles Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Friday, Feb. 23 | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 Abstract: This talk will begin with a short overview of the current national and international driving forces that are influencing the evolution of human use and exploitation of the...

Illustration of the Janus Spacecraft

Second life for the Janus spacecraft?

Feb. 2, 2024

Space News is highlighting a potential new mission for the mothballed Janus spacecrafts. Dan Scheeres, a distinguished professor of aerospace at the Â鶹ÊÓƵ, was principal investigator on the Janus mission. Designed and built to launch as a secondary payload on the Psyche mission in 2022, the mission...

 Solar Wind Interacting with Earth's Magnetic Field

Knipp talks coronal mass ejections with Vox

Feb. 2, 2024

Delores Knipp was interviewed by Vox for a new article about a pending reversal of the Sun's magnetic poles. The article, titled "The sun’s poles are about to flip. It’s awesome — and slightly terrifying," discusses the regular shifting of the Sun's poles and solar storms that can result from...

Researchpalooza logo

Researchpalooza 2024 - Coming Friday, Feb. 9

The Smead Program presents: Researchpalooza. Friday, February 9, 2024, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. in the Aerospace Building. Students and faculty are invited to give 10-minute talks highlighting current research in a friendly and informal event. Sign up to present now!

CU Boulder from the air.

Seminar: Naval Nuclear Propulsion - Feb. 2

Jan. 24, 2024

Clare Atzert Director, Surface Ship Systems, Naval Reactors Friday, Feb. 2 | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 Abstract: The presentation will provide an overview of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program. For this portion of the brief, I will provide a summary of the mission of the Program, as well as...

Drone flying over the ocean.

CU Boulder spinout that revolutionized LiDAR acquired by major government contractor

Jan. 23, 2024

LiteWave Technologies , a spinout of CU Boulder and a subsidiary of Orion Space Solutions , has been acquired by Arcfield , a leading government technology and mission support provider. LiteWave’s core technology emerged from the lab of Jeffrey Thayer , professor emeritus and research professor in the Ann and...

Delores Knipp

Knipp discusses solar storms with Washington Post

Jan. 22, 2024

Delores Knipp was interviewed by the Washington Post for a new article on the sun entering its most active period in two decades. Knipp, a research professor in the Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, is an expert on solar wind-geospace coupling and space weather and has...

CU Boulder from the air.

Seminar - Aerospace Guidance: From Apollo to Artemis and Beyond - Jan. 26

Jan. 18, 2024

Ping Lu Professor, Aerospace Engineering, San Diego State University Friday, Jan. 26 | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 Abstract: Aerospace Guidance is a relatively young technical area, having only emerged as a stand-alone specialty during the Apollo Program. Today, with NASA’s Artemis Program aiming to send astronauts back to the...
